with Alay, Jadeli & Cuanderas


Awaken your Sacred Feminine potential through healing rituals, Divine movement & Voice Exploration, Cacao & Fire Ceremonies.

Energetically & Physical Cleanses to harmonize our Womb Creative Powers

Remember our Womanhood which is made of Resilience, Transformation, and Electricity

Shakti energy to be Vessels of the Divine

We’ll journey from Womb Healing and powerful integral Cleansing, to ignite a rebirthing of our essence and awaken our Divine Feminine frequency through Sound and Devotion.

Vibration and Sacred Sounds

24 - 27 February 

Transitioning with the Mayan Energies: 

3 NOJ to 6 AJPU

This retreat brings Feminine Sacred Light blooming into our hearts to remember the Portal of Wisdom, creativity our wombs are, to vibrate the power of Feminine alchemy into the material projections and free expression.

We will embark on a 3 night, 4 day Harmonious Journey into the power of our own vibrations, voice, movements & Womb Healing through Ancient Medicines as Cacao, Yoga Practices, sound healing, Medicine Songs and Mantras.

What you will love about Blossoming Shakti Retreat…

Integral Transformation:

I flourish when I am able to see my humanity, to heal my past by recognizing my fears, insecurities, accepting to let go of what does not bring light, purity to my present. Forgiving my decisions and accepting the teachings that I have lived during my spiritual, physical and mental journey.

Giving thanks to the new experiences that the future offers me with love, devotion and patience in my cycles.

With the joy of the present, I walk towards a prosperous future!

Women of Circles:

We carry painful memories in the uterus and we do not manage to transmute so much energetic information. This is why we lose our personal feminine power, which has to do with the ability to alchemize this energy.

The uterus is a symbol of power, creativity and at the same time the space where life is created. From our womb are born ideas, projects & children.

In this Retreat we will receive this wonderful tool to transmute the memories stored in the womb, and thus, achieve more balance.

We receive the rite of the womb from a lineage of medicine women.

This rite is a way to begin the cleansing process of our feminine being and helps us to transmute the memories of our feminine self and helps us to strengthen our creative power center.

“Healing me, I heal others”

I let go of my fear to embrace freedom I let go of my pain to embrace joy

I let go of my anger to embrace compassion I let go of my sorrow to embrace peace.

Mayan Calendar to Tune with our Moon Cicles

“Calendar Cholq’ij is called the human calendar. The human calendar is based on twenty and thirteen, which is ten fingers and ten toes and the articulation, the joints, that’s the sacred days of 260 days or nine months. 

Based on Sacred Mayan Calendar, we tune our bodies to understand Mother Earth Cycles that are perfectly connected with our cyclical blood, where we connect with our Archetypes, listening to our bodies and understanding the emotions that drives our actions.

Sacred Sounds & Vibrations:

Every individual has a unique voiceprint which can be charted with Voice Analysis to reveal patterns of sound. This voiceprint is a barometer of our state of being and missing voice tones are related to physical, emotional and mental patterns.

The power of Sound starts with a Good intention to conduit the process of healing; expansion and activate your devotional practices through a Liberation of Blockages with emotional patterns; reprograming the nervous system and activating the imagination to guide LOVE FREQUENCIES to empower the UNSEEN to be SEEN in our physical body.

BE, Love is the Key to all dreams come into the Physical Realm.

Sacred Union:


Divine mother embrace you once you start observing that you ALWAYS been surrounded by the Paradise of the ETERNAL SPRING!!

It meant to be…

The LOVE-Alchemy balance your vibrations to receive the light as a waterfall, then, you start aligning your LOVE FREQUENCY


Letter of commitment to myself:

Today I release my past with thanks and a smile on my lips.

I accept my failures and from them I learn to walk in wisdom. Today I accept that my path is power and that I decide about my sorrows, emotions, fears and negativism.

That the medicine woman who lives inside me, is in her power, in her center to flourish with the strength of her voice.

I speak with gentleness, maturity and generate light, hope through my unity with my mind, heart and body that the paths I take, centered in my Divinity, are pure and perfectly driven by the Universe and its Infinite Compassionate love.



You are ready to vibrate your True Essence

  • You need a nourishing reset of body, mind and spirit

  • You want to give you Self-love & nourish your Feminine Side

  • You feel no heard & you need Sisterhood to feel supported

  • You need to cleanse your past sexual connections

  • You want to heal your Feminine Lineage from Grand Mother & mother

  • You want to empower your Intuition & create inner connection with your gir

  • You have always loved music but never felt confident enough to share

  • You feel blocked in your creative and personal expression

  • You feel called to experience the power and transformation of Lake Atitlan

  • You feel nervous or challenged around sharing your voice, whether that be asking for what you need, sharing opinions or letting yourself be heard

  • You feel you have untapped creative potential that you would like to release

  • You have experienced the power of vibration and want to use it to heal

  • You want to access the medicinal power of your own unique vibration

We areVessels of

Creativity & Devotion

What will be included?


  • Ancestral Practices

    * Ayurvedic Menu

    * Womb Meditations

    * Cacao ceremonies

    * Morning Yoga

    * Chakra Toning

  • Womb Healings

    * Womb healing and lineage meditations

    * Yoni Steams

    * Fire Releasing ceremony

    * Water connection & Movement

  • Sound & Vibration

    * Creative art dynamics

    * Water connection & Movement

    * Vocalization & Free Voice Opening

    * Vocal healing, Song Circles, Kirtan & Sound healing

  • Content Support

    ALL of the practices are part from a special notebook where you’ll find these tools to be able to carry with you and practice back home as a daily self-love practice.

About Casa Termal

Casa Termal, a paradisiacal villa in a hidden cove on the shores of the wonderful Lake Atitlan, surrounded by volcanoes, magical hot springs and mountains.

The perfect place to vacation, rest, meditate and relax.


At Casa Termal you can enjoy the breathtaking views of the lake, the lush vegetation around the property, the magical sunrises and sunsets, as well as the private steaming pools of volcanic hot springs.

The villa has a private garden and dock, where you can enjoy, relax, meditate and jump directly into the lake.

Guest access

Access to the property is private and for guest use only. The gardens and walkways are for exclusive use.

Other highlights

Casa Termal is located in Jaibalito, a few minutes by boat from Santa Cruz and San Marcos, where there are many restaurants, handicraft markets, excursion and adventure agencies such as canopying, volcano climbing, as well as special tours.

Instagram: @casatermal

Meet the Facilitators

Alay is a singer, yogi, moon dancer, holistic & ayurvedic therapist and facilitator of Soundhealing, Intuitive singing, Cacao and women circles.

Vibration and medicine music are her main focus, alongside the heart opening of the medicine of Cacao that arrived into her life to stay, inviting her to learn from the origins and legacy of her tradition with the Mayan cosmology, continuing the teachings with Tatas and Nanas of the ancestral wisdom and sharing it with reverence through her own personal experience.

The intention of her circles with medicine music and mantras is to find our true profound voices, releasing and healing what our own instruments need to express in order to connect through our vibrations.

Her channelled melodies create a safe container to dissolve the barriers of our hearts and disentangle our limiting beliefs. The sound and the melodies, make a light shine that guides our way through the shadows, connecting to the language of love with an expansive heart.

Medicine music, voice exploration, channeling her own songs through ceremony, and sacred sites have been a key part of her healing process and self-love journey alongside the expansion that Cacao brings to help us remember our divine spark and true essence. 

Her mission is to allow us to embrace our wholeness to begin the journey towards self-acceptance and unconditional love, allowing space for both the light and the dark that compose us to generate the alchemy of transmutation, and creating space for our True Self to arise.

Jadeli Percolla

Towards the Transformation of the "Wild Woman", the WILD WOMAN who uses her power to create love and unity through the Mayan Cosmovision, culture, nature and her inner fire, the impulse of action.

SELFATICA, is the voice of the woman, the expression of the being that connects with herself and recovers her power and love.

It is those women who unite to empower themselves and others with the fire of their essence. The voice from the soul.

Here and now, it is the transformation, the essence...

Hello I am Jadeli, founder of SELFATICA; and I will accompany you through your journey in your transformation towards the best version of you, bridging cultures, spirituality through nature; re-connecting with Ancient Mayan Cosmovision & my roots in Lake Atitlan.

More than community, A movement...

We are the roots of a leafy tree, "medicine women" with foundation, power of growth and transformation to give seeds and spread across the earth, in fertile soil.

Since I found my true voice, in the freedom of playing & experimenting my wild nature with Drums, Bhakti Yoga & Guitar. I felt my re-connection with my true essence

Now, as a Sound Healer, I can recognize my sensitivity with vibrations, colors & shapes, that moved me to build my path through my spiritual journey connecting my prior education in Marketing & graphic design with the Holistic approach.

My deep connection with Cacao & Mayan cosmovision has been transforming the way I direct my projects, businesses and customers through a transformational way to sense, perceive and inspire communities to dive deep into Devotion & compassion within themselves.

“WILD-Mystical Journey”

Go back to yourself, go back to your Heart…


Vibration and medicine music are her main focus, alongside the heart opening of the medicine of Cacao that arrived into her life to stay, inviting her to learn from the origins and legacy of her tradition with the Mayan cosmology, continuing the teachings with Tatas and Nanas of the ancestral wisdom and sharing it with reverence through her own personal experience.

Like salt that is tasted in water though we cannot see it. So too, merging into Brahman we are everywhere, but we cannot see it.

Vedic Saying

Save your spot now!

Save your spot now!


Matrimonial size - $1,250 USD

Imperial size- $1,190 USD

Bunk- $1,130 USD

Private Tent- $1,000 USD

*Deposit to hold space - $600 USD & Fill the Google Form Registration

Apply Now!!